Monday, 31 May 2010

Friends (I've never met) In highish places!

Wah I left my Ray Bands on the bus Friday morning ~ By Friday afternoon I'd be sent a brand spanking new pair!

That smirk i'm pulling in the photo, I cant quite wipe it off my face!

A little RAY of light for the bank holiday weekend


Saturday, 29 May 2010

Keepsake ...

Presents for MOI?
Think my new House Of Harlow ring is going to enjoy hanging with my bangle collection!
Thanks guys ~ Je t'aime Je t'aime

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

RYDER LARBY 22.05.2010

My Sister and her husband had their baby on THE most beautiful weekend of the year so far (Naturally)
Welcome Welcome Super Sweet Bambino, we've been expecting you

Been non stop listening to Zero 7 ~ Swing
Will forever remind me of our teeny tiny family member
Love Love Love


Wednesday, 19 May 2010

It's always better on holiday ...

Some of us are working Monday to Friday ~ Some of us are flying round the US business class, cancelling flights and staying longer ...
Like I said, it's good work if you can get it
~ Well Jeal

Oh Yeah one more to add to the 'things I learnt about Nicholas Hoult' list
f) He sent me thank you flowers ~ Talk 'about a boy' with manners

(sorry, I had to)

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Sorry what was your surname Hoult or HAUTE?

I spent a couple of hours shopping in REISS with Nicholas Hoult this afternoon ...
Whilst mopping my brow, here's what I learnt about him

A) He has extremely green fingers, loves a spot of gardening
B) He tries on clothes with walking on a beach and propping up at a bar in mind
C) He strikes a mean/dorky Saturday Night Fever stance
D) He's a time keeper, said he'd meet us at 2pm and met us at 2pm!
E) He's about to spend the next 9 months in Australia filming Mad Max
F) He's scared of the highest jump at the Guildford Spectrum swimming pool
omG) Can he can charm the hind legs off a donkey (or should I say the Reiss girls)

Keep an eye out on the Reiss blog for pictures little G took of him striking his best Tom Ford

Monday, 10 May 2010

Good work if you can get it!

... My brother and his band Outcry Collective have just finished a siiiick sellout tour with 'Young Guns' ch ch ch ch ch ch check it out!

Sunday, 9 May 2010

Eternal Youth

Jumper ~ Bella Freud

Two of my favourite peoples birthdays this weekend
My mum Jane's was yesterday and it's Sarah Boo's 21st today


Listening to Simply Red and Deacon Blue in memory of my mum eeeehehe Mick!

Thursday, 6 May 2010

"Why, it's like a dream ~ A wonderful dream come true!"

Jacket ~ Alexander Wang
Tee ~ Thrift

So we're all over Leather, We're all over Denim
Put em together and what have you got bipbiddy ~ bobiddy ~ boo

You know that question, What would you save in a fire?